If you are looking for a good way to make extra exercise, many activities are optional. Some people prefer to pursue individual exercise like jogging, but if you are looking for an activity that is a bit more social, squash may be the right choice for you. The rules are fairly simple and easy to learn. Both juniors and adults will have no trouble finding a place to play, most major gyms has squash courts, and in major metropolitan areas are often different squash clubs.
Wherever you choose to play, it’s a good idea when you start to take some lessons. A good instructor will not only give some good tips for a better player, but it can also help you find players of your level at which the two partners, and offer advice on equipment selection of squash you appropriate. Even if you do not need special clothing to play, it is important to wear eye protection and to choose appropriate footwear. If you think you’ll seriously squash is a good idea to invest in a pair of squash.
As your instructor will tell you, there are a variety of squash balls. Dunlop, for example, offers four types, ranging from beginners to professionals. The difference between these four types is how hard it must be affected to bounce the same height. As your skill level progresses, you can upgrade to a more advanced dance. None of them are expensive, and you can continue playing with the same ball until it breaks, provided they take care to wash after each use.
Choosing the right racket can be difficult is when an expert instructor with squash equipment is invaluable. There are many squash rackets on the market today, thanks to recent technological developments. Dunlop, Prince, Head, and Wilson are all quality manufacturers which offers a range of prices to choose from. When you first start, choose a racket with a larger head, and make sure it is sustainable, but not too easy
Salam kenal, its very nice post, god luck ya....