Squash Racquet

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Preventing Injuries in Squash

Squash sports classified as the agility sport, where you will play fast, play hard, you should be able to move and stop quickly and suddenly. All the muscles of the body will move quickly and place strain throughout the body suddenly. Because the risk of injury is very apt to occur especially if not balanced with the right heating. Many things are things you can do to prevent injuries and injuries occur while you can also do a lot to deal with these injuries, but could be better if you avoid injuries. Let us learn from the experience of players who have experience of this. In this article will be abstracted you how to avoid physical injury:

1. Warm up before playing. Many novice players direct their spaciousness and immediately hit the ball without warming up enough. There are warming up for 5 minutes, then they went to play squash. This is not good for your body. Body has not been able to adapt quickly, starting from ordinary circumstances and suddenly moved on. Muscles do not warm to the required rapid activity in this game. In a few minutes ahead will occur and that muscle cramps are injuries that may be serious. So to avoid this, do warm-up exercises and stretching for 10 to 15 minutes so that the heartbeat rhythm of exercise until 80% of the maximum rate. 5 to 10 minutes and then do a more intensive heating of the body will work extra when playing like legs, arms, back, shoulders.

2. Another thing that is important is the accessory shoe using squash as well. Many players who ignore this. They chose from shoes. The shape and size of each leg is a different person. If the player uses the wrong shoes then 15 years will be a crooked leg, changing shape of the foot soles of shoes suitable form, the blisters on his fingers and heel of the foot. Shoes squash players are not the same as athletic shoes that absorb vibration, wrapped fit to minimize slipping feet and nails turn black. Shoes squash is good like the shoes basketball players who have a cushion of soft at the bottom of the shoe, which has sole rigid so as to reduce foot sprain.

3. The selection of a good racket. Racket is vital to the squash game. This election is personal and likely to depend on the level of your game. A good racket is a racket that can reduce vibration. With a choice of quality materials and woven materials, and good tension can give the best results. In the long run if the quality is not good racquet can cause pain in the muscle complaints called tendonitis. Expensive racket not necessarily have a good quality. But there are some brands that have a racket high quality and there was no doubt such as the Black Knight, Wilson, Prince, Karakal, Dunlop. There are important things that are usually ignored by the beginner players racquet should not be too heavy. A good racket should not be heavier than 140 grams. Heavy racquet not necessarily produce a large swing. Racket that is too heavy can cause excessive emphasis on the small muscles in the arms and shoulders which can cause tendonitis.

4. Do not until you suffer from dehydration. Heavy activity would require more water. The players should consume water at least 50% of body weight. The harder the training needs of water will also increase. In playing squash needs a hard working muscles, so that asamlaktat formed in the body. High acidity levels in the body can result in the occurrence of physical illnesses such as fatigue, it must be issued by alkalization of drinking plenty of water, and through a light practice for blood circulation to bring oxygen smoothly. If the acidity can be removed then the immune system also increases.

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