Squash balls come with a variety of performance characteristics for different skill levels, game types and atmospheric conditions. The balls are color coded with points, to facilitate identification of their characteristics. Orange has a super slow with low bounce, double yellow super super slow with low bounce, yellow is a very slow with low bounce, super green or white has a slow speed, with an average recovery rate, the Red Half with a grand farewell, blue has a very fast speed, high rebound.
You can also buy a little more practice or beginner balls, which are often dyed blue. These balls bounce and suspended in the air longer, giving you more time to do your photos. As your skills and rallies are shorter, you go to that jump ball less. When things become more competitive, players prefer the yellow dot balls. The rebound is small, holding you breath (literally) the amount of time the ball is in a playable position is much weaker. Before the game, it is advisable to warm squash balls by hitting them from 50 to 100 times. This will warm the air inside the ball, which makes the ball more lively and elastic. Take care of squash balls and keep them clean. During playback, they pick up dirt and dust that affects how he feels and behaves.
Some popular squash balls are: Dunlop, Head, Karakal ,Prince ,Wilson. I advise you to try different brands of bullets that the composition may vary. Avoid buying large quantities until you are sure you have selected the perfect photo, then enjoy the savings you can buy in bulk.
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