Squash Racquet

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Prince Triple Threat Tungsten Sovereign

Prince Triple Threat (TT) Sovereign Squash Racket is a racket that is durable and reliable to cope with the heaviest users of the bat. weighted with a fantastic performance and excellent control with each player shooting at all levels of the game in the search for Prince Triple Threat (TT) Sovereign great value for money.
This racquet has all the advantages of the triple-woven Sweatbandsquash.com at a fantastic price! This high range of the bats of the most pro-tour is used, tungsten, copper and titanium head. This weighting system is used only in combination with the shaft power of the brand Scoop gives the sovereign power and control unprecedented - and cut his arm while helping to beat - with a total weight of 135gm. The technology includes Wall Glider Bumper for additional confidence for close-ups on the wall, ring of power increases the length of the strings for more power and charge the lower roller absorbs wall and floor impacts for more comfort and durability.

Product Features:

Power Coop tree - A single tree absorbs shocks to the wall and floor for comfort and durability, offering a full frame stiffness for maximum ball striking power.

Power Ring - Innovative and patented racket design where all the big chains wrap around an inverted ring. The chain lengths are more uniform response to stricter and more power in a sustainable context.

Wall Glider Bumper Bumper friction performance polymer-based low allows the racquet against the chute wall and floor to return the tightest shots.

Triple Threat with Tungsten - A unique, Principles of balanced weighing exclusive Triple Threat material is concentrated in three critical racket locations. The end result is a perfect balance and stability in a racket that will improve your game


Weight: 135g
Size: 480cm/74.5
Setting: 20-18 mm duraframe
Grip: Cushion Grip shape
String: Sweet Perfection 17-String

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