Squash Racquet

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Squash Training Program

• Because squash is a game that is played throughout the year may be over, it's easy to stagnate.
• It may be easier to mark the holiday season in a calendar, including the seasons of competition, is also the semi-finals and finals, before attempting a short / long term training programs for the design of squash.
• To achieve when designing a squash periodized training / game plan (based around your work and family), you can find a balance between skills and fitness.

Listen to maximum rate (MHR)
• MHR is the nominal interest rate by age does your heart beat per minute (BPM)
• E 'calculated by subtracting your age from 220 (40 Eq. MHR is 180 bpm)
• Some forms require a heart rate of training provided (eg, aerobic exercise is performed between 60 - 70% MHR)

Between pulses
At the end of the jogging / running to catch the wrist:
• Leave the supply stopwatch / clock
• Place your index finger and middle finger of right hand on the left carotid artery (easier on the neck on the spot).
• Count your pulse (heart rate) for 15 seconds x 4 =? bpm
• Save your training diary

Resting heart rate
• Taking the pulse when on / wake up
• Monitor and record daily
• How do you get your heart rate at rest is reduced in better shape
• If you could start over-training - you need to get checked out!

Definition of a current
When training for squash, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the volume of training. More is not necessarily better.
• Incorporate rest days into your training
• the progress of your workout slowly, so that the beginning of your training regime violated
• alternative training, so that you do not like the formation of two days in a row
• In the meetings, to allow replacement of the muscle groups of this recovery. Biceps curl followed by squats
• Vary your workout to avoid boredom or revocation

It 's easier to focus on the package, if you have a program is made available at the time.

• It can be difficult, a rigorous procedure to follow when it rains or is cold, or interrupt your trip.
• In the time comes second nature to change things, for example, instead of jogging, sprinting to court, or by bicycle.
• The use of a personal trainer or a professional counselor can help a lot in the implementation of programs and is highly recommended.

Orgainised periodization is a way to set up a training program in all, the objectives and priorities of events built.
• The school year is divided into phases or periods. These include:
or pre - aerobic base and strength
or pre-race - Maintain the strength, aerobics. Start exercising anaerobically
Competition or - Increase the intensity with time
O transition - alternative activities
• These steps are related to your major events / seasons of competition built
• Every week, each phase will continue in training or out depending on your goals and timetables divided.

• Creation of a thickness less than the value of the game and after jogging to spend more time on practical skills.

• Jogging should be (in order to develop more speed), a combination of sprinting and jogging / walking.
• Approximately six weeks before the start of the competition followed by more on the exercises / routine with a playmate.
• structured play (with a specific topic), for example, play a good length, serve to reinforce the key factors of a plan.

• Increase training at the headquarters of the court.
• Combine training with exercises / routines
• In order to integrate the ten principles of the program.
• Review the tactical and mental abilities.
• Set short and long term.
• Use the appropriate rating sheet for more ideas.

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